The problems of the world can all be solved if we all ask ourselves one question.
The question is...
What can I do?
In the answering of this question is where we tend to get lost, or side-tracked.
And "yes, but"... appears...
All the excuses, sooner or later come out of the closet.
So I have a suggestion so you don't get sidetracked.
Make an addition to the question so it will work, no matter what area of your life is giving you grief.
Here it is...
One of my favourite Edgar Cayce readings is, " Do not attempt to be good, but rather good for something!" -Edgar Cayce readings 830-3
If we take that question and add to it, we get - "What can I do about this, that will be good for something?"
Now, look at an area in you life where you're "good for something."
Take an area of your life that is not working well now.
And ask the question... "What can I do about this, that will be good for something?"
And continue to ask this question every time something new comes up in this area.
I really believe it makes total sense.
Products continue to sell because they are "good for something."
Relationships last because they are "good for something."
If you are going to make one change this year, make the decision to ask this question for everything that comes up...
"What can I do about this, that will be good for something?"
Here is an article about how you can use visualization to bring positive changes in the world.
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The Number One way to prevent Truth decay is to use mental floss daily.
-Swami Beyondananda
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: Not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
- John 14: 27, King James Bible
Some images on this site are Free Images from Dreamstime.com
Inch by inch, row by row, gonna make my garden grow. All it takes is a rake and a hoe, and a piece of fertile ground…
- John Denver, singer, songwriter
Well, the world’s not run by mothers. You know if it was, we’d all be taken care of.
- Faye Sanderson, my-spiritual-place.com
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