Praying for Someone Who has Hurt, Wronged, or Betrayed You

by Faye

This next "Exercise in Being" comes from my watching Oprah's Super Soul Sunday when she was interviewing Marianne Williamson who has extensively studied and applied the concepts in A Course in Miracles.

It's of relevance to me, right now because I am in a situation where someone has hurt me and I am blocked. There have been times before in my life where I have been hurt or betrayed and once I've removed myself from the situation or been removed from it, I have managed to forgive them and move on.

What's different about this time, is that all my efforts to remove myself from the situation have failed, so I haven't been able to use the same pattern I used in the past.

I know this is a different lesson - the lesson of forgiveness at a different level.

In previous lessons I was blocked from forgiving.

In this lesson, I'm blocked from moving.

After seeing Marianne's video I've come to the conclusion that I need to forgive this time, while the situation is still going on, not after it's over.

If you're reading this and saying OK, this sounds like something I need too...

Here's what our homework is...

Our homework is to pray for that person's happiness for 30 days, for 5 minutes a day.

(I didn't say it was going to be easy.)
(But think of this... we're in good company... Oprah needed to do this too!)

But definitely listen to Marianne Williamson telling you to do it.
Here's the video...

Comments for Praying for Someone Who has Hurt, Wronged, or Betrayed You

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Feb 01, 2013
I'm in the process of doing this right now. :-)
by: Anonymous

Tonight will be my third night. Twenty minutes of praying, for four people, including myself. (Yes, I think it's important that I forgive myself for a lot of things too.)

It's hard. I was fired up and ready to go, really inspired after watching Marianne on Super Soul Sunday. I thought after that first day, it'd be fairly easy. I'm still hoping that it will get easier, and by the end of the 30 days, I'll be loving it.

I DID love it that first day. But it didn't take long to bring a lot of raw emotion up to the surface. I just spent a couple minutes crying my eyes out just now. I feel intuitively like I'm in the early stages of a process though. I sure hope so.

Feb 21, 2013
It is hard
by: Faye

It is hard at first Anon, but the work is going on in you. And it gets easier.

In my case, the change was in me and I became distanced, emotionally from the situation. I began to see that the people betraying me were still in their game, out there betraying others, and occasionally trying to rope me back in. But I was so emotionally detached from it that it didn't work.

Then I was able to move away, literally, in a very short time - something I had been trying to do for a year and a half.

Keep at it Anon, hang in there, and please give us an update.

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