Gingerbread Women

God knows we all have it in us to be angels; it is through choice that we remain gingerbread women.  It is because gingerbread women do not have the substance to hold courage.  Like the cookies, cut with a cookie mold, we choose the limitations of the status quo, of society, of what those around us say we need to do to get along, to fit in, to not make waves.

Courage will not fit in any mold. In order to hold courage, our dough must fall away, rebirthing our true essence.  Only the heart can hold courage, the heart that has the conviction that it will not let it go, that it will "feel", and accept, and allow its true essence to come through.

Pick your favorite goddess or holy woman. Study her, and ask her to help her attributes to come out in you. She is your favorite for a reason. We resonate to what we love; we resonate to what we are like; we resonate to what we want to become.

Study all the goddesses, for all the goddesses are you. They are "God in woman." They are your map. They are your heritage, and all your aspirations to come.

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