Light of Virtue: Poems by P.M Thomas

by P.M Thomas
(United Kingdom)

Poems full of Light, Virtue, Love and Beauty
Poems to fill the heart with love, fill the soul with peace, fill the mind with serenity.

If you like these 2 Poems and would like to see more that, I have published an ebook full of my Poetry

"Light of Virtue - A Collection of Poems"

2 Poems:


There is something in the world
something beautiful
something sweet
something tender
here when the world began
It's name
full of beauty
full of joy
full of warmth.
It is Love
a word with meaning
a word with strength
a word with soul.
There is many kinds of love
the love for family
the love for a soul mate
the love for a friend
the love for a pet
the love for people
the love for the world
the love may be different
but it is all beautiful
it is all true
it is all one
is compassion
giving happiness
is tenderness
giving warmth
is power
giving strength
is kindness
giving unity
is love
for all.
is a light
filling the heart
is a light
making the heart
The strongest man
The strongest woman
is one with love in their heart.
The world is a beautiful world
with love.


Believe, believe in yourself
unleash your power
unleash your potential.
unleash the magnificence of your chi
unleash the beauty of your strength
Believe, believe in yourself
close your mind
open up your heart
let your spirit soar
Believe, believe in yourself
become one with yourself
become one with all
a calm mind
a pure heart
Believe, believe in yourself
have strength
have courage
never give up
your dreams will become a reality
Believe, believe in yourself
you can do it
you have the power

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May 01, 2013
Thank you P.M.
by: Faye

... for sharing your poetry. It's simple and true and it goes right to the heart. And, you can never go wrong with simple and true.

(P.S I lost your photo of you, and couldn't get it back. If you want me to include it please email me a copy by clicking contact us. * note the software wouldn't let me copy it and upload it again from my end - which is a great feature and a protection for you visitors!)

Jul 11, 2013
Message for Poets on my Site
by: Faye

I have just left a message on the poem Page for you poets about making a Kindle book so I can promote your poetry.

Take Care,

Jul 12, 2013
RE: Message for Poets on my Site
by: P.M. Thomas

Thank you Faye, that sounds really interesting and helpful.

Jul 13, 2013
Glad to help
by: Faye

No problem P.M.

Be sure to nab the free kindle book on the Kindle instruction page. It gives you exact steps for formatting microsoft word (and open office) so that your book goes over smoothly. And pretty well walks you through the whole process.

Take Care,

Jul 14, 2013
RE: Glad to help
by: P.M. Thomas

Will do

Thank you so much again. And if I am unable to make a kindle, I'm a dinosaur with computers, could you help make it for me. I'd be happy to pay your fee.

Jul 18, 2013
Sure PM
by: Faye

Sure PM

Send me an email me from that page and let me know whether you have a PDF, word doc or what and we'll go from there.(This comment page doesn't send me an email)

Jul 18, 2013
RE: Sure
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much

Will do

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