One click way to call up the New Releases on Spirituality from Barnes and Noble.
A Search for God, Book 1 - Association for Research and Enlightenment 1992
Amazon Synopsis: In 1931, Edgar Cayce agreed to help a group of people grow spiritually and become more psychic, with one condition: They would have to live the precepts. It took the group eleven years to apply and compile the twenty-four lessons that became A Search for God, Books I and II. This material has helped individuals and groups around the world to discover a closer attunement to God.
A Search for God, Book 2 – Association for Research and Enlightenment
Amazon Synopsis: In 1931, Edgar Cayce agreed to help a group of people grow spiritually and become more psychic, with one condition: They would have to live the precepts. It took the group eleven years to apply and compile the twenty-four lessons that became A Search for God, Books I and II. This material has helped individuals and groups around the world to discover a closer attunement to God.
A Spirituality Named Compassion – Matthew Fox 1999
Amazon Synopsis: Fox marries mysticism with social justice, leading the way toward a gentler and more ecological spirituality and an acceptance of our interdependence.
• A road map to fulfillment for the coming century
In A Spirituality Named Compassion, Matthew Fox, the popular and controversial author, establishes a spirituality for the future that promises personal, social, and global healing. Using his own experiences with the pain and lifestyle changes that resulted from an accident, Fox has written an uplifting book on the issues of ecological justice, the suffering of Earth, and the rights of her nonhuman citizens.
Fox defines compassion as creativity put to the service of justice and argues that we can achieve compassion for both humanity and the environment as we recognize the interconnectedness of all things. Working toward the creation of a gentler, ecological, and feminist Christianity, Fox marries mysticism and social justice, emphasizing that as we enter a new millennium society needs to realize that spirituality's purpose is to guide us on a path that leads to a genuine love of all our relations and a love for our shared interdependence.
As We Understand: A Collection of Spiritual Insights - Al-Anon and Alateen Members
The Celestine Vision – James Redfield 1999
In this book James Redfield explores the history that led up to a spiritual renaissance that he introduced in The Celestine Prophecy, his first novel. He then explores how we can integrate with the concepts of this new spirituality and carry into the future age.
Contents: Early Intuitions, Experiencing the Coincidences, Understanding Where We Are, Entering the Responsive Universe, Overcoming the Power Struggle, Experiencing the Mystical, Discovering Who We Are, Evolving Consciously, Living the New Interpersonal Ethic, Moving Toward a Spiritual Culture, The View from the Afterlife, Visualizing Human Destiny.
Don’t Fall Off the Mountain – Shirley MacLaine 1985
Amazon Synopsis: "I've always felt that I would never develop into a really fine actress because I cared more about life beyond the camera than the life in front of it. Over the years my search became broader and broader. After two months on a picture my car seemed to veer toward the airport of its own accord. I still loved acting and enjoyed it. I was a professional, but basically I was more interested in the people I played than the movies I played them in... " -- Shirley MacLaine.
An outspoken thinker, a keen observer, a truly independent woman, Shirley MacLaine takes us on a remarkable journey into her life and her inner self. From her Virginia roots, to stardom, marriage, motherhood and her enlightening travels to mysterious corners of the world, her story is exciting and poetic, moving and humorous-the varied and life-changing experiences of a talented, intelligent and extraordinary woman.
Edgar Cayce and Christian Faith – Lynn Elwell Sparrow 1999
Amazon Synopsis: Using her personal journey to both the Christian faith and the Edgar Cayce readings, the author offers a convincing, well-researched reconciliation of the Cayce material with Biblical text and the tenets of traditional Christianity.
In this newly revised edition of Edgar Cayce and the Born Again Christian, Sparrow looks at the many places where the Cayce readings and the Bible agree, and at the stumbling blocks along the way for Christians trying to reconcile the two. She particularly addresses questions about the use of psychic abilities and the concept of reincarnation.
Sparrow's study helps answer the questions of the curious, the concerns of the doubters, and the desires of Christians around the world for a well-reasoned, enlightened, and definitive look at the Cayce readings within a biblical context.
Edgar Cayce: Answers Life’s 10 Most Important Questions – John G. Fuller
ARE Synopsis: The late Edgar Cayce's groundbreaking psychic perceptions in the areas of healing, ESP, dreams -- and enlightenment -- have made him the most respected clairvoyant of our time.
In Edgar Cayce Answers Life's 10 Most Important Questions, award-winning investigative journalist, writer and documentary TV producer John G. Fuller examines Cayce's life teachings.
The Edgar Cayce Handbook: For Creating Your Future – Mark Thurston, PhD. and Christopher Fazel 1992
Amazon Synopsis: This remarkable handbook presents Cayce's twenty-four spiritual keys, which unlock the doors of self-understanding. They operate like formulas that teach us about the mysteries of living and are evident to anyone who is willing and able to look closely at life. As you will see, these principles can be applied to every situation, and you can begin to use them instantly in your everyday life: Everything Happens for a Reason: You Have a Purpose in Life; Love Means Honoring the Other Person's Free Will; Every Crisis Is an Opportunity for a Breakthrough, and many more.
Filled with inspiring counsel, this is a truly accessible guide to the universal principles that govern the grand game of life. It can enable you to become a more creative, productive, and joyful person--a true co-creator with your higher power.
The Edgar Cayce Primer – Herbert B. Puryear 1982
Amazon Synopsis: The Edgar Cayce story is one of the most compelling in inspirational literature. Over the course of forty years the Sleeping Prophet time and again closed his eyes, entered an altered state of consciousness, and spoke to the very heat and spirit of mankind on subjects such as health, healing, dreams, meditation, sexuality, and reincarnation. His more than 14,000 readings are preserved at the Association for Research and Enlightenment. And now, with the guidance of Edgar Cayce, we can learn how to mine our psychic strengths for happier and healthier lives.
Here are the readings of The Sleeping Prophet, condensed and simplified--the wisdom to help us make the right decisions affecting all facets of our lives. Cayce speaks out on: The sources of psychic development, reincarnation, Karma and grace, dreams, meditation, prayer, personal health (including diet and exercises,) holistic healing, sexuality, spirituality, rejuvenation, religion, spiritual psychology, and much more. Cayce offers us the keys to insight, enlightenment, and total fulfillment.
Education & the Significance of Life - J. Krishnamurti 1981
Amazon Synopsis: The teacher probes the Western problems of conformity and loss of personal values while offering a fresh approach to self-understanding and the meaning of personal freedom and mature love.
The Essential Steiner – Edited by Robert A. McDermott 2007
Amazon Synopsis: Here is a compact, accessible, illuminating introduction to the basic writings of the great modern spiritual teacher who has been an immense influence on contemporary education, literature, art, science, and philosophy. Robert McDermott offers selections from sixty of Rudolf Steiner's published works, showing the extraordinary range, vision, and power of his thought. In his introduction McDermott recounts Steiner's life and work, from his childhood and education to his work as a natural scientist, philosopher, scholar, educator, artist, interpreter of culture, and seer.
He places Steiner in relation to major traditions of thought and explores the reasons why. Although Steiner is credited with major cultural contributions and as the founder of the worldwide Waldorf school movement, he remains remarkably little known by both the academic community and the general public.
Selections from Steiner's writings are presented in five chapters with introductory commentaries: Knowledge, Nature, and Spirit: early writings (1894-1904) on philosophy of nature, spiritual thinking, and the knowledge of higher worlds;
Spiritual Anthropology: on Steiner's theory of human nature as a combination of the physical, etheric, soul-life, and spiritual; Historical Vision: Steiner's interpretation of history from Egyptian and Buddhist culture, to the Greeks and the modern age; Esoteric Christianity: Steiner's esoteric interpretation of the Christ event and Christian revelation; Society and Education: on social philosophy and education, of particular releveance to contemporary issues. THE ESSENTIAL STEINER is an invaluable compendium and an accessible introduction to the foundational works of Anthroposophy.
Everyday Immortality: A Concise Course in Spiritual Transformation – Deepak Chopra 1999
Amazon Synopsis: Everyday Immortality contains a series of insights, known in Eastern wisdom traditions as sutras or koans. Like a string of pearls, each insight follows the next, page by page. Only when the lesson of one page is fully absorbed does the reader go on to the next. Through this process, the reader's thought patterns are literally transformed, causing a permanent shift in perception. These exercises are a modern version of Gyana Yoga, India's ancient Yoga of Knowledge, long considered the most direct path to attaining enlightenment and immortality.
As you go through the pages of this book you will find a series of sentences that will serve as primary statements or insights. Each statement also may be regarded as a sutra or a koan. As you consider the meaning of the sentence and pay attention to it, eventually a flash of insight will come into your awareness. As a result of that epiphany, your awareness and your experience of yourself and of the world will begin to change, and you will begin to slowly experience a state of joyful carefreeness and love that will stay with you more and more.--Deepak Chopra
Experiments in Practical Spirituality – Mark A. Thurston, PhD 1980
Amazon Synopsis: This continuation volume – continuing from A Search for God Book II, offers nearly 100 experiments requiring only about five minutes each. Discusses happiness, wisdom, opportunity, and more.
Face to Face: 12 Edgar Cayce Readings Interpreted – ARE Writers
God in All Worlds: An Anthology of Contemporary Spiritual Writing – Lucinda Vardey 1995
Amazon Synopsis: This anthology is a complete guide to spiritual writings from 1945 to the present day, with over 130 contributors ranging from C.S. Lewis, C.G. Jung and M. Scott Peck to Martin Luther King Jr., Carlos Casteneda and Vaclav Havel. While examining traditional eastern and western spiritualism, the book also explores the more recent feminist theology, New Age spirituality, eco-consciousness and cosmological discoveries.
The anthology is compiled within the structure of a spiritual journey: the quest, revelation, trials, surrender, death, eternal life and awe. Writers and thinkers from all backgrounds - Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, Christian, Taoist and agnostic - are brought together to explore all the various facets of modern spirituality and religious experience in our post war age.
If You Could See What I See: Tenets of Novus Spiritus – Sylvia Browne 2006 Amazon Synopsis: In this enlightening work, renowned psychic Sylvia Browne presents the Gnostic tenets of her church, the Society of Novus Spiritus. What at first seem like simple tenets to follow become much deeper, carrying within them the heart of humankind's search for spirituality. Browne also provides inspiration with details of her own personal journey. |
Initiation, Human and Solar - Alice A. Bailey 1922
From Foreward: The subject of Initiation is one that has a great fascination for thinkers of all schools of thought, and even those who remain sceptical and critical would like to believe that this ultimate attainment is possible. To those who do not believe that such a goal is possible this book is offered for what it may be worth as a formulation of an interesting hypothesis. To those who anticipate such a consummation of all their endeavours, this book is tendered in the hope that it may prove an inspiration and a help. Among occidental thinkers at this time there is a wide diversity of view upon this momentous subject.
There are those who think that it is not of sufficient immediate importance to engross their attention, and that if the average man adheres to the path of duty and high-minded attention to the business in hand, he will duly arrive at his destination. This is undoubtedly true, yet as capacity for increased service, and the development of powers to be used in the helping of the race are the reward of the man who is willing to make the increased effort and to pay the price which initiation demands, perhaps this book may spur some on to attainment who might otherwise have drifted slowly towards their goal. They will then become givers, and not the recipients of help.Read online
Mystical Experience - Ben-Ami Scharfstein
Scharfstein, a philosophy teacher and writer looks into many sources and traditions to explore what the mystic experience is. He bases his study on eleven characteristics of mysticism, which he has observed: sameness, uniqueness, separation, inclusion,
Mystical Traveler: How to Advance to a Higher Level of Spirituality – Sylvia Browne 2008
Amazon Synopsis: Sylvia Browne takes us on another incredible journey . . . this time presenting information about the Mystical Traveler. She explains the difference between Mystical Travelers and Mission Life Entities (those who have a mission in life); and goes into great depth about who they are, what they do, and even how to become one!
Combining factual research garnered in her trance mediumship with new insights from her spirit guide Francine, Sylvia guides us through the necessary steps to become more spiritual using the Eight Golden Keys and Seven Rays from God. She then takes us a step further and tells us how we can all choose to become either a Mystical Traveler or Mission Life Entity for God. This is a fascinating, in-depth study for anyone who wants to become more spiritual and join “God’s army”—that is, those who wish to spread positive energy rather than evil and negativity.
The Nature of Good and Evil – From the Journey of the Soul Series – Book 3 – Sylvia Browne
Book Jacket:
We constantly see the "senseless violence" in our world, and it begs
the question: "How can an all-loving God allow this to exist?"
Indeed, many people simply reject any notion of God for this very reason. This
book, the third in Sylvia Browne's Journey of the Soul series, gives you the
philosophical framework to understand the nature of good and evil-and the role
of God in the big picture. When you see how evil originated and why it thrives
in our world, you're more prepared to face it and overcome it. Sylvia points
out that you need not fear "evil spirits" or "curses"-which
are merely stories bred from ignorance. And how would you like to serve as one
of God's warriors of Light? Sylvia explains how to enlist!
By combining her philosophical and theological views, Sylvia creates a
spiritual umbrella that rises above traditional religion. All paths that lead
to knowing God have merit-Sylvia simply invites you to know Him/Her in your own
way, free of dogma and fear.
No Ordinary Time: The Rise of Spiritual Intelligence and Evolutionary Creativity - Jan Phillips 2011
Amazon Synopsis: Jan Phillips' Book of Hours is a tapestry of threads from the arts, science, sacred texts and her own mystical poetry. It is the story of one woman s journey from Catholicism to a new cosmology of global communion and co-creation. It is Rumi-meets-Teilhard, Catherine of Siena meets Dorothy Day a compelling illustration of how spiritual practice leads to heightened creativity leads to inspired evolutionary action. It s like being picked up by the shirtsleeves and carried to the mountaintop. It doesn't hurt but the view most certainly changes. A book to help you:
One-Liners: A Mini-Manual for a Spiritual Life - Ram Dass 2002
Amazon Synopsis: Ram Dass has always been a master of the one-liner. Here is the nitty-gritty by the author of Be Here Now—more than 200 penetrating observations and pithy spiritual instructions on such topics as How It All Is, Love and Devotion, Suffering, Aging, Planes of Consciousness, Death and Dying, Service and Compassion, Psychedelics, Social Awareness, and Liberation.
“This book is a kind of spiritual brandy, a distillation of the lectures I’ve given over the course of the past decade or so. These quotes are the little “aha!” moments, the cameos that have been served up out of our collective consciousness from time to time that seem to summarize something about our human journey. I think of this book as something you might have next to the coffeepot to pick up in the morning, or as something you might tuck into your backpack to pull out during your bus ride to work, in order to reframe the way you look at your day.” —Ram Dass
Power, Freedom, and Grace: Living from the Source of Lasting Happiness – Deepak Chopra 2008
This book is Deepak Chopra’s take on the questions we all ask ourselves, as well as the ones we would ask if we thought of them. If we do ask them and get our own answers we have a chance to live from the source of lasting happiness.
Contents: Part I What do I want? Who am I? Why do I forget who I am? How do I participate in creating my reality? Part II Where so I go when I die? What is the key to lasting happiness? How can I live with effortless ease? When will I be fully awake? Part III What is power and how do I obtain it? What is freedom and how do I experience it? What is grace and how do I live it? The Infinite, Appendix The Old and New Paradigms, About Vedanta.
The Power and Use of Thought - C.W. Leadbeater
Reflections on The Self - J. Krishnamurti 1998
Amazon Synopsis: Described by the Dalai Lama as "one of the greatest thinkers of the age", Jiddu Krishnamurti has influenced millions throughout the 20th century, including Aldous Huxley, Bertrand Russell, Henry Miller and Joseph Campbell. Born of middle-class Brahmin parents in 1895, Krishnamurti was recognised at age fourteen by theosophists Annie Besant and C W Leadbeater as an anticipated world teacher and proclaimed to be the vehicle for the reincarnation of Christ in the West and of Buddha in the East. In 1929 he repudiated these claims and travelled the world, sharing his philosophical insights and establishing schools and foundations.
Because Krishnamurti had no interest in presenting theories, his thought is far removed from academic philosophy in the analytic tradition, yet his insights remain extremely relevant to contemporary philosophical theories and to those interested in understanding themselves and the world. Rather than a theorist, Krishnamurti is regarded as a seer and a teacher. He perceived inherent distorting psychological structures that bring about a division in the individual's consciousness between "the observer" and "the observed". He believed this division was a potent source of conflict, both within the individual and externally for society as a whole, and offered a way to transcend these harmful structures through a radical transformation in human consciousness.
This is a collection of Krishnamurti's writings and lectures about the individual in relation to society. He examines the importance of inquiry, the role of the emotions, the relation between experience and the self, the observer/observed distinction, the nature of freedom, and other philosophical ideas.
The Road Less Travelled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth – M. Scott Peck, MD 2003
Amazon Synopsis: Perhaps no book in this generation has had a more profound impact on our intellectual and spiritual lives than The Road Less Traveled. With sales of more than seven million copies in the United States and Canada, and translations into more than twenty-three languages, it has made publishing history, with more than ten years on the New York Times bestseller list.
Now, with a new Introduction by the author, written especially for this twenty-fifth anniversary deluxe trade paperback edition of the all-time national bestseller in its field, M. Scott Peck explains the ideas that shaped this book and that continue to influence an ever-growing audience of readers.
Written in a voice that is timeless in its message of understanding, The Road Less Traveled continues to help us explore the very nature of loving relationships and leads us toward a new serenity and fullness of life. It helps us learn how to distinguish dependency from love; how to become a more sensitive parent; and ultimately how to become one's own true self.
Recognizing that, as in the famous opening line of his book, "Life is difficult" and that the journey to spiritual growth is a long one, Dr. Peck never bullies his readers, but rather guides them gently through the hard and often painful process of change toward a higher level of self-understanding.
Amazon Biography: Frank Joseph has been the editor-in-chief of "Ancient American" magazine since its debut in 1993. He is the author of twenty books about prehistory re-published in as many foreign languages, including "The Atlantis Encyclopedia", "Opening the Ark of the Covenant", and "Unearthing Ancient America". Joseph is a frequent guest speaker at various metaphysical and archaeological societies in the U.S. and abroad.
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams – Deepak Chopra 1994
Amazon Synopsis: The creation of wealth has always been regarded as a process that requires hard work and luck--often at the expense of others. In this remarkable book, the author of Quantum Healing and other bestsellers reveals how to align with the subtle yet powerful, unseen forces that affect the flow of money in our lives.
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Superheroes: Harnessing Our Power to Change the World – Deepak Chopra with Gotham Chopra 2011
Deepak has taken his seven spiritual laws and applied them for the part of the population that is in love with superheroes from comics and the silver screen. He also includes religious comics. This is a new way of relating to, and bringing out the Higher Self in all of us. I was amazed how it touched my own memories of childhood heroes.
Contents: Introduction, The Law of Balance, The Law of Transformation, The Law of Power, The Law of Love, The Law of Creativity, The Law of Intention, The Law of Transcendence, Activating the Superhero Brain, Superhero Reading List.
Sex and the Spiritual Path – Herbert B. Puryear, PhD 1999
Amazon Synopsis: "Does physical desire affect my spiritual development?"
"What is 'normal' sex?"
"Is sex outside of marriage a sin?"
In this enlightening book, clinical psychologist Herbert Puryear explores the subject of sexuality and spirituality based on the work of renowned American psychic Edgar Cayce. This guide provides excerpts from the Cayce readings to reveal how sex "can be one of the most beautiful modes of expression of love that approaches the Divine," and much more, including:
This thought-provoking book sheds new light on the relationship between the body and the soul, and shows how we can develop a healthier and more spiritually based understanding of sex through the work of renowned seer Edgar Cayce.
The Spiritual Frontier: A Priest Explores the Psychic World - Allen Spraggett with William V. Rauscher 1975
Spiritual Solutions: Answers to Life's Greatest Challenges – Deepak Chopra 2012
Amazon Synopsis: Over the course of his career as physician, teacher, and bestselling author, Deepak Chopra has received thousands of questions from people facing every kind of challenge. They have asked how to lead more fulfilling lives, how to overcome relationship problems and personal obstacles. What’s the best way to deal with a passive-aggressive friend? Can a stagnant career be jump-started? In a world full of distractions and stress, how does one find time for meditation?
Hidden among all of these questions are answers waiting to be uncovered.
In this groundbreaking book, Chopra shows you how to expand your awareness, which is the key to the confusion and conflict we all face. “The secret is that the level of the problem is never the level of the solution,” he writes. By rising to the level of the solution in your own awareness, you can transform obstacles into opportunities. Chopra leads the reader to what he calls “the true self,” where peace, clarity, and wisdom serve as guides in times of crisis. For Chopra, spirituality is primarily about consciousness, not about religious dogma or relying on the conventional notion of God. “There is no greater power for success and personal growth than your own awareness.” With practical insight, Spiritual Solutions provides the tools and strategies to enable you to meet life’s challenges from within and to experience a sense of genuine fulfillment and purpose.
Soul’s Perfection – From the Journey of the Soul Series – Book 2 – Sylvia Browne 2000
Amazon Synopsis: Sylvia Browne brings you Soul's Perfection, book 2 in the Journey of the Soul Series. This is a book filled with magnificent information about God, Life and the Universe. She leads you on your personal journey, telling you to love yourself, and to try to love everyone's soul. On loving others, Sylvia is quick to add with her well-known humor, that you have to try to love others, but you don't have to 'like them or their bad behavior.'
Spiritual Connections: How to Find Spirituality in Relationships – Sylvia Browne 2007
Amazon Synopsis: Why are some relationships harmonious, lifelong unions and others simply catastrophic and tragic? Internationally renowned psychic Sylvia Browne examines why we form our relationships with certain individuals, for better or for worse. From the lifelong connection of a loving marriage to the short and bitter agony of a brief encounter leading to divorce and heartache, from childhood experiences to the golden years, Browne takes readers on a remarkable excursion that covers all the different relationships we encounter in life.
She reveals why we have joyful and happy relationships on the one hand and chaotic, hateful and painful ones on the other. She also explores how our lives can interact with others in both positive and negative ways, creating either lifelong love or friendship or a situation doomed for disaster. Browne enables readers to come to a true understanding of why we have certain compulsions and attractions for some people while being totally repulsed by others. By utilizing her marvellous insights, readers can learn how to cultivate relationships in order to live a happier, more fulfilling life.
Sylvia Browne’s Lessons for Life – Sylvia Browne 2004
Amazon Synopsis: In this unique eight-step program, Sylvia helps you to: realize your essence; identify your patterns; utilize past-life memories to your advantage; become more psychic; develop spiritual wealth; find the right relationship; deal with death and separation; and maintain a state of wellness. Along with her always-practical advice, Sylvia encourages you to engage in personal growth, and to enhance your life with healing affirmations and soothing meditations.
Thought Power: Its control and culture - Annie Besant 2004
Amazon Synopsis: The human mind has a hidden power that can do amazing things. The key is for one to learn how to activate this power and control it. That is what this book is about. Subjects include training the mind, improving concentration, strengthening thought power, meditation, improving memory, thought transference, building the mental body, combining thoughts with others and achieving peace of mind. This is an easy to read instruction manual for the mind that includes practical exercises. Read Online
The Ultimate Happiness Prescription: 7 Keys to Joy and Enlightenment – Deepak Chopra 2009
Amazon Synopsis: Happiness is something everyone desires. Yet how to find happiness–or even if we deserve to–remains a mystery. Still more mysterious is the secret to a lasting happiness that cannot be taken away. In The Ultimate Happiness Prescription, bestselling author Deepak Chopra shows us seven keys to uncover the true secrets of joy in the most difficult times.
The goal of life is the expansion of happiness, he contends. But in today’s demanding world, that goal seems elusive, if not impossibly out of reach. Society reinforces the belief that fulfillment comes from achieving success, wealth, and good relationships. Yet Chopra tells us that the opposite is true: all success in life is the by-product of happiness, not the cause.
So what is the cause? The Ultimate Happiness Prescription shares spiritual principles for a life based on a sense of your “true self” lying beyond the ebb and flow of daily living. Simple daily exercises lead to eliminating the root causes of unhappiness and letting a deeper level of bliss unfold.
After all avenues to happiness have been explored and exhausted, only one path is left: the journey to enlightenment. In The Ultimate Happiness Prescription, the daunting and exotic challenge of finding enlightenment becomes accessible step by step. We are taken on an inspiring journey to the true self, the only place untouched by trouble and misfortune.
The Varieties of Religious Experience - William James 1902
Amazon Synopsis: Gifford Lecturer on Natural Religion at the University of Edinburgh. In casting about me for subjects of the two courses of ten lectures each for which I thus became responsible, it seemed to me that the first course might well be a descriptive one on Man’s Religious Appetites and the second a metaphysical one on Then Satisfaction through Philosophy. But the unexpected growth of the psychological matter as I came to write it out has resulted in the second subject being postponed entirely, and the description of mans religious constitution now fills the twenty lectures.
In Lecture XX I have suggested rather than stated my own philosophic conclusions, and the reader who desires immediately to know them should turn to pages 511-519, and to the Postscript of the book. I hope to be able at some later day to express them in more explicit form. In my belief that a large acquaintance with particulars often makes us wiser than the possession of abstract formulas, however deep, I have loaded the lectures with concrete examples, and I have chosen these among the extremer expressions of the religious temperament.
The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire - David Deida 2006
Amazon Synopsis: The Ultimate Spiritual Guide for Men
What is your true purpose in life? What do women really want? What makes a good lover? If you're a man reading this, you've undoubtedly asked yourself these questions—but you may not have had much luck answering them. Until now.
In The Way of the Superior Man, David Deida explores the most important issues in men's lives—from career and family to women and intimacy to love and spirituality—to offer a practical guidebook for living a masculine life of integrity, authenticity, and freedom. Join this bestselling author and internationally renowned expert on sexual spirituality for straightforward advice, empowering skills, body practices, and more to help you realize a life of fulfillment, immediately and without compromise.
"It is time to evolve beyond the macho jerk ideal, all spine and no heart," writes David Deida. "It is also time to evolve beyond the sensitive and caring wimp ideal, all heart and no spine." The Way of the Superior Man presents the ultimate challenge—and reward—for today's man: to discover the "unity of heart and spine" through the full expression of consciousness and love in the infinite openness of the present moment.
The Way of the Wizard: Twenty Spiritual Lessons in Creating the Life You Want – Deepak Chopra 1995
Amazon Synopsis: The author of the acclaimed New York Times bestsellers The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success and Ageless Body, Timeless Mind now presents a guide to using spiritual alchemy for awakening the magic in everyday life.
Chopra ties his explanation into Merlin the wizard from King Arthur.
Why Is God Laughing? The Path to Joy and Spiritual Optimism – Deepak Chopra 2008
Amazon Synopsis: In this refreshing new take on spirituality, bestselling author Deepak Chopra uses a fictional tale of a comedian and his unlikely mentor to show us a path back to hope, joy, and even enlightenment—with a lot of laughter along the way.
Meet Mickey Fellows. A successful L.A. comedian, he’s just a regular guy, with his fair share of fears, egocentricities, and addictions. After his father’s death, Mickey meets a mysterious stranger named Francisco, who changes his life forever. The two begin an ongoing discussion about the true nature of being. Reluctantly at first, Mickey accepts the stranger’s help and starts to explore his own life in an effort to answer the riddles Francisco poses. Mickey starts to look at those aspects of himself that he has hidden behind a wall of wisecracks all his life. Eventually Mickey realizes that authentic humor opens him up to the power of spirit—allowing him to finally make real connections with people.
After taking the reader on a journey with Mickey, Chopra then spells out the lessons that Mickey’s story imparts to us: ten reasons to be optimistic, even in our challenging world. Chopra believes that the healthiest response to life is laughter from the heart, and even in the face of global turmoil, we can cultivate an internal sense of optimism. Rich with humor and practical advice, Why Is God Laughing? shows us without a doubt that there is always a reason to be grateful, that every possibility holds the promise of abundance, and that obstacles are simply opportunities in disguise. In the end, we really don’t need a reason to be happy. The power of happiness lies within each of us, just waiting to be unleashed. And Mickey Fellows’s journey shows us the way.
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values - Robert M. Pirsig 2006
Amazon Synopsis: One of the most important and influential books written in the past half-century, Robert M. Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is a powerful, moving, and penetrating examination of how we live . . . and a breathtaking meditation on how to live better.
Here is the book that transformed a generation: an unforgettable narration of a summer motorcycle trip across America's Northwest, undertaken by a father and his young son. A story of love and fear -- of growth, discovery, and acceptance -- that becomes a profound personal and philosophical odyssey into life's fundamental questions, this uniquely exhilarating modern classic is both touching and transcendent, resonant with the myriad confusions of existence . . . and the small, essential triumphs that propel us forward.
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Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: Not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
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Inch by inch, row by row, gonna make my garden grow. All it takes is a rake and a hoe, and a piece of fertile ground…
- John Denver, singer, songwriter
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