Profile Aurora Ariel is a woman who has faced some very real challenges in her life, and through them has sought answers to how we all can clear out our past baggage and live life more through our Authentic Self. This is a caring woman who has walked the walk - crawling some of the way, no doubt. She has worked her way through her own life challenges and through the experience developed a psychological and spiritual-based process that is helping others. |
![]() From her Facebook page |
(I have seen positive results in my own life from using her Seven Step program found in both TheQuest and Earth 2012: The Ultimate Quest. The results I've noticed have been feeling less fear in my life in general, feeling more self- confident and having a greater sense of self-empowerment. Some changes were immediate, within the next day of doing my first session and others came quickly after further sessions. I continue to use these techniques when an emotional situation comes up that I want to work on.)
Organizations and Projects
The Institute of Advanced Healing is a non profit organization dedicated to the advancement of humanity into an Age of Enlightenment and Peace through bringing out TheQuest worldwide. IOAH gratefully accepts tax deductible donations to further its work and Global Outreach. The Institute was founded by Aurora Juliana Ariel, PhD in 2000 after years of pioneering work in the psyche and laying the groundwork to bring forth her landmark discoveries and life's work. (More information available on her website)
They offer life coaching and internships to bring TheQuest counseling to others.
Check out her website for more information on this best-selling author and psychologist.
Keep up with her latest communications on Facebook.
Earth 2012-33: The Ultimate Quest: How to Find Peace in a World of Chaos – Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD 2008
Book Jacket: In Earth 2012: The Ultimate Quest, Dr. Ariel guides the reader on a personal quest, providing a powerful key to inner peace in a revolutionary breakthrough Self Healing System, TheQuest. Distilled into seven powerful steps, this healing process is designed to accelerate a personal and planetary transformation that could help end suffering on Earth. Her message, “If we want to avert the dire potentials before us, we must look within and unlock the subconscious patterns behind our challenging life conditions.”
Earth 2012-33: Time of the Awakening Soul: How Millions of People are Changing Our Future - Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD 2009
Book Jacket: The Earth Saga continues with a journey into the Miraculous as Millions of Awakening Souls alter the course of Earth’s Destiny. Weaving a prophetic vision of an Illumined Future, stories of extraordinary encounters, divine visitations, angelic intervention, healing by dolphins and more, reveal the extraordinary time we are in.While dire potentials loom on our horizon and many people are in the throes of darkness and despair, Dr. Ariel believes that there is an unseen hand assisting us to move into an enlightened future.
Earth 2012-33: The Violet Age: A Return to Eden the Regenesis that is Birthing a New World – Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD 2010
Amazon Synposis: In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Aurora Ariel leads us into a glorious future potential that is being initiated by millions of people worldwide. From extraordinary encounters to mystical experiences, a quantum shift is taking place in the psyche of humanity. This book takes us further into the mystical side of our present planetary equation and unveils the mystery behind the Violet People and their unique destiny that could turn the tide at the 11th hour. A Dynamic Treatise on the portents of the Violet Age and the host of extraordinary phenomena facilitating the Great Awakening.
Earth 2012-33: Oracles of the Sea: The Human Dolphin Connection - Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD 2011
Book Jacket: For the past 33 years, dolphin interactions with humans have increased dramatically, resulting in a host of miraculous stories that include extraordinary encounters, mystical experiences, profound visions, telepathic communications, unexpected healings, life changes, inner transformations, and spiritual awakenings. Amazingly, these experiences are similar to events recorded at the advent of the Golden Age in Greece. This worldwide phenomenon speaks to a critical time in Earth's history, as awakened from normal lives, diverse backgrounds, and belief systems, the thousands of individuals experiencing these encounters share a common bond and responsibility. Weaving the threads of this phenomenon from its most ancient historical significance into the present, we find we are moving into a future that may yet be our most Glorious Age.
Letters from the Inner Self: The Indwelling Spirit - Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD 2011
Amazon Synopsis: The resounding echo through this book is that we are loved. Through this LOVE of the Indwelling Spirit we are inspired to see, know, and love ourselves in the way that God loves us. When we love ourselves absolutely, we give ourselves our best life. Embracing ourselves from this Divine Perspective, we live Sacred and Abundant Lives accessing the Great Power Within. As we consecrate the moments of our existence to a Higher Purpose, we allow the Divine Plan for our life to fulfill itself in and through us. Living in the Miracle Consciousness, we enter the Miraculous Life, a sacred and richly fulfilling existence where we uncover Life’s Sacred Mysteries, witnessing to the majesty and glory of our Authentic Self as we walk our Highest Destiny Path.
A Guide to Freedom, Enlightenment and Peace, the writings in this book inspire us upon an Illumined Pathway to realize our full potential. They unveil the Secret Code to our True Destiny. These Sacred Writings reveal the Majesty and Power of our Innate Divinity and speak to the extraordinary mission we have come to Earth to fulfill at this significant time. Eloquently written through letters from the Inner Self, this book is destined to help awaken and inspire humanity in its next evolutionary leap in consciousness, igniting positive world change and a planetary transformation unparalleled in Earth history swiftly restoring Eden on Earth.
TheQuest: Heal Your Life, Change Your Destiny: A Breakthrough Self Healing System - Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD 2009
Use the seven step process developed by Dr Ariel to uncover and heal the inner aspects that hold you back from having a closer relationship with your authentic self. Aurora Ariel developed this process known as TheQuest through a need to heal her own inner subconscious aspects that caused self-sabotage, illness, and trauma in her relationships.
This book holds the key and direction that you need to do your own inner self-healing.
Music CDs
Renaissance of Grace
Jacket: The exotic vocals of Aurora with Bruce BecVar weave a mystical blend that is both uplifting and inspiring, transporting us into a world of transcendence and light.
River of Gold
Jacket: A brilliant collaboration, River of Gold is a magical weave of guitar, instrumentals, and exotic vocals, this album has been highly acclaimed for the SPECTACULAR LOVE and TRANSCENDENT JOY that fills every note, carrying you into a world of romance, beauty and light.
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The Number One way to prevent Truth decay is to use mental floss daily.
-Swami Beyondananda
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: Not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
- John 14: 27, King James Bible
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Inch by inch, row by row, gonna make my garden grow. All it takes is a rake and a hoe, and a piece of fertile ground…
- John Denver, singer, songwriter
Well, the world’s not run by mothers. You know if it was, we’d all be taken care of.
- Faye Sanderson,
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