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I am woman. I am the crucible through which every child of humanity enters this world. I take them into my body with a promise to feed and nurture and love and grow them for 9 months in the womb. |
I do NOT do this so that they will come out into the Earth - to be starved, and beaten, and oppressed, and killed, that they will suffer in any way.
I do NOT do this so that they will starve, and beat, and oppress, and cause to suffer, and kill others.
I have a divine mandate by God to nurture, to teach, to nourish, to aide, to inspire, to encourage, to prompt, to draw out, all those I bring into the world as woman. I have promised God that I will take care of them, that I will be their voice, and their support, after they leave the womb.
I have hands; I have feet, I have a mind; I have a heart; I have a knowing that every child is my child. And I must use my hands, my feet, my mind, my heart, my time, whatever I have, to turn the tide and save the human race upon Mother Earth. I must do what I am able to do.
Men must awaken and allow me to do my work. Men can support and help me, if they wish. But I will do this, in spite of them if I have to.
This is not a challenge; this is a simple truth. God is re-awakening me to my destiny.
A Woman's Worth - Marianne Williamson Youtube video
Words cannot describe this - just watch it.
Faith, Woman and MDGs - Conversation with Marianne Williamson - Livestream Video
Marianne Williamson on women rising up.
An Archetype That Needs to be Healed
In her book, Earth 2012: The Ultimate Quest, Aurora Ariel made a statement that really had a profound effect on me, when I read it.
She pointed out an archetype that has been built up in the collective unconscious to such an extent that it affects us all. She called it "Saint Martyr:"
"The Saint Martyr is a powerful imprinting that we are stamped with as we are born into the earth. Embedded in millions of people throughout the world, it is a pattern that has continually produced dire circumstances on the planet. Embraced by religious communities worldwide, it has been a common thread among the peoples of this world where suffering has become a way of life and a fate that many souls have resigned themselves to."
In our suffering, many of us console ourselves by rationalizing that we are "choosing the martyr path to God" - we are good people who suffer and "earn" our way to Heaven. This is the insidiousness of this archetype that keeps it building, and gaining, more and more power, in the collective consciousness.
Dr. Ariel makes it clear that this archetype is feminine.
I don't think there are very many women in the world today who aren't painfully aware of the Powerful Patriarchal Male archetype that has been building in the collective consciousness for eons. But this female martyr who is quite likely the "reply" to that, had never occurred to me.
It never occurred to me that we, women, throughout history, in our oppression have been associating with, and adding to, this archetype. Largely, we have built it - we have given it, its power. And now, as women we are highly affected by this archetype operating in the Collective Consciousness.
I suspect his is why western women who have opportunities and freedoms to assert feminine principles and insights into modern-day life in all areas, remain docile.
Some are starting to point out that this docility is habit from the years of oppression directed toward the female in human history. But if it were that simple, we western women would change with the times, we would realize that we feel freer than women ever have, and just naturally flow into that freedom.
I believe, Aurora Ariel has hit upon the secret thing that is holding us back and we, as women, need to seriously look into this for the sake of our daughters and sons, and our granddaughters and grandsons.
Here's what she says:
" (Saint Martyr) is a pattern worthy of our attention and healing. It is my belief that by healing this one pattern within the psyche of humanity we can turn the tide on the dark night that is currently gathering momentum on the planet."
"... It is for each one of us to decide if we are going to contribute to the perpetuation of this lineage of oppression or assist humanity to enter an age of enlightenment and peace."
For all of you who are thinking - "It's very easy to say that but how do we heal it?" Well, that is included in Dr. Ariel's book. It is her self-therapy method which she calls TheQuest and it is the process she was using in her own life when she uncovered Saint Martyr.
If this "Saint Martyr" archetype healing has intrigued you specifically you definitely want to read Earth 2012: The Ultimate Quest. But if you are short on cash, you can learn and apply her healing process in her free book, TheQuest.
Here's more about the Saint Martyr archetype:
"The Saint Martyr wants to be heard. Like all patterns that make a loud noise in our world, she is ready to be healed. She is ready to relinquish her ideals for a religious humanity that were born from misinterpretations in the past. She is ready to reclaim her Authentic Power, to live true to the highest spiritual principles, so that humanity can ascend to a nobler, more empowered way of life. She is ready to be freed from the prison sentence of her religious programming so that humanity can step free from its bondage to martyrdom and the suffering it has caused throughout the planet. She is ready to step into her glorious Goddess Self and create Heaven on earth, and it is time."
Mary Queen of the Angels -Doreen Virtue
Doreen Virtue talks about going to Lourdes and Mother Mary (and her book).
Dustin Hoffman video - Epiphany on Women (and making Tootsie)
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The Number One way to prevent Truth decay is to use mental floss daily.
-Swami Beyondananda
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: Not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
- John 14: 27, King James Bible
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Inch by inch, row by row, gonna make my garden grow. All it takes is a rake and a hoe, and a piece of fertile ground…
- John Denver, singer, songwriter
Well, the world’s not run by mothers. You know if it was, we’d all be taken care of.
- Faye Sanderson, my-spiritual-place.com
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